Friday, February 22, 2013

10 Ways To Get Engaged With Customers

In any relationship, engagement is the pivotal piece, as we know. It remains equally vital when we talk about your engagement with channel partners or end-users. While new partner acquisition is important, the existing partner retention is equally important for you. Because, the existing partners / end-users should continue to get improved value, which needs nurturing. And, here comes the importance of engagement.
Let's pick up a scenario: Say, we need to develop a regional engagement program for a 5-nation region. Couple of countries need communications in local language, while other 3 countries are comfortable with English. Among 7 variants (country-specific), here we considered just 1 varint, which is "language". Let's see how do we map program-dedicated resources (by country) in the matrix-1 below: 

While doing that, we notice that we don't have in-country resources dedicated for this program who can communicate in the local language. To partially cover up that gap, we may be able to borrow some in-country resources for limited time for some very specific events, as we understood from the country manager of those 2 language-sensitive countries.
Now, let's develop a suitable matrix-2 (see below) which maps engagement communication platforms, resource-mix and countries: 
In this matrix-2, you will notice there are 10 different communication platforms, which starts with "Phone Calls" through "Webinars" to "Face-to-Face" engagements. Country-by-country the dedicated resource-mixes and the communication platforms are mapped.
You might have noticed that those 3 English-speaking countries avail the values of all the 10 engagement platforms. However, for the other 2 countries (where local language communication is essentially needed) the program cannot provide "phone calls" as one of the engagement communication platforms. When we talk about the "phone calls", we basically mean that a local language-speaking resources (with desired accent & fluency) are needed to address the inbound phone calls for 8 hours a day for 5 working days / week, as the minimum. 

As we indicated earlier, language is just 1 of the 7 variants when you start developing a regional engagement program of such nature. Multiple scenario's will get evolved to address needs adequately.
Consult2Win helps client to develop and execute engagement strategies for one or multiple countries or multiple regions for products or services. Should you need any support, you may contact us. 

You can please leave your comments at the bottom for us to improve further.
To know more on the following topics, please view these blog posts:

1.  10 Things You Must Focus while Profiling Partners: 


Monday, February 18, 2013

10 Things You Must Focus while Profiling Partners

Profiling is becoming more and more important to intensify segment-specific services. Partner Segmentation has been in the horizon for quite some time now. However, to execute partner segmentation, one of the major pieces is profiling, as we know. Knowing your partners' needs, preferences, inclinations, pain points, capabilities and the likes, therefore, became very important for all the product marketers & service providers who take their products / services to the end-user through their channel partners.


While every efforts are put in by you (to know partners better, deeper & clearer), some gaps or missing piece/s may remain. Here are those 10 things you must focus while profiling your channel partners. Effective profiling helps enterprises to translate the output to develop tiering strategies. The tiering depends on multiple factors like enterprise' objectives, partner profile map, breadth & depth of offerings etc. Product Potfolio Management ( is one of the important pieces that drives the partner profiling architecture.  Consult2Win helps their clients to develop the customised profiling architecture and design the purpose-specific tiering framework.